What to Do After Storms in Shrimp Farming

Monitor News and Prepare
Regularly follow updates from news outlets, online sources, and weather forecasts to stay informed about storm conditions.
Inspect water paddlewheel aerators, air diffusers, and siphon drainage systems to ensure they are in good working condition.
Prepare for potential power outages during storms, which can be prolonged, by securing a backup generator.
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Actions During Rain
Maintain dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in the pond at an optimal level of 5 ppm.
If you have a supply of stored saline or clean water, release some water to prevent a drop in salinity caused by heavy rainfall.
Continuously monitor environmental parameters such as salinity, alkalinity, pH, and DO.
Use lime and probiotics as per schedule, reduce feeding rates during rain, and closely observe pond conditions.
Post-Rain Tasks
Run aerators and paddlewheel aerators continuously to supply oxygen, prevent water stratification, and release harmful gases from the pond bottom.
Use probiotics to quickly decompose organic waste, clean the environment, and eliminate potential pathogens.
Provide high-quality feed supplemented with vitamins, broadcast minerals, and adjust key parameters to optimal levels:
Salinity: 15–25 ppt
Alkalinity: 100–120 ppm
pH: 7.8–8.2
DO: 5–6 ppm
Flush out waste using a siphon and test water samples for bacterial contamination. Randomly sample shrimp to check for any abnormalities.
Implementing these measures can minimize risks and maintain a healthy environment for shrimp growth after storms.
Contact AQUA MINA for consultation and supply of aquaculture round tanks and aquaculture equipment for high-tech shrimp farming.
- Address: 685 National Highway 1A, Binh Hung Hoa Ward, Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh City
- Phone: 1800 6071 (Toll-free hotline)
- Email: sales@aquamina.com.vn or oversea@aquamina.com.vn
Aqua Mina's distributor in Japan:  REX INDUSTRIES CO., LTD  
- Address: 1-9-3 Hishiya-Higashi, Higashi-Osaka 578-0948 JAPAN  
- Email: kimakubo@rexind.co.jp  
- Phone: +81-(0)72-961-9893  
- Website: http://www.rexind.co.jp/e/
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